On Thursday, June 2, 2011, Linda “Brasse” Carlson (Director, Global Community Relations) played host on the SOE webcast, which featured Dave “Smokejumper” Georgeson (Senior Producer) and Kyle “Kander” Vallee (EQII Game Designer II) of the EverQuest II Development Team. They talked about Game Update 60: The Children of War. Find out about the Fortress of Drunder, PvP changes, and more! Also, Julie “Ellie” Burness (EQ Associate Game Designer) and Doug “Elidroth” Cronkhite (EQ Game Designer) of the EverQuest Development Team were in attendance. They talked about Hardcore Heritage and why you’ll want to revisit some of your favorite places in Norrath! If you missed Thursday’s webcast, you can watch it below, or head over to our Stickam channel or YouTube channel.
Check out the schedule for some upcoming webcasts!
Next week we will be broadcasting live from E3! The time will be posted on the SOE Facebook Page!
All webcasts are announced on Facebook or on Stickam, so be sure to check those pages out!