On Thursday, June 23, 2011, Aimee "Ashlanne" Rekoske and Tiffany “Amnerys” Spence hosted ZAM diva and all-around EverQuest II expert Amy “Calthine” Lanam on the SOE Webcast! Calthine entertained with the history the Zam, and let us in on some tips on how to get into the gaming media industry. The Webcast also covered Fan Faires past and present, and Calthine gave us a preview of her costume. Viewers were promised a preview of the Zam premium account, so if you missed this webcast, you can watch it below, or head over to our YouTube channel.
Check out the schedule for some upcoming webcasts!
All webcasts are announced on Facebook or on Stickam so be sure to check those pages out!