A couple of weeks ago, we invited EQII players to participate in a Haunted Homes Decorating Forum Challenge. All participants used their own homes, their own currency, and their own items to decorate with the Haunted Homes/Nights of the Dead theme.
We received about 118 qualifying entries. It was an amazing turnout and as such, it was very difficult for the Community Team to judge so many fantastic houses. Thank you to everyone who participated and we are hoping to do this type of contest again soon.

The Winners:
Most Creative
- Contemptress - Nagafen, 3 Walk of the Dead, Neriak
- Prunejuice - Crushbone, Timorous Heights, Timorous Deep
Most Spooky
- Vadra - Antonia Bayle, Halas Summer House, Qeynos South
- Mikka - Butcherblock, Magical Manor, New Halas
Most Humorous
- Eirisse - Antonia Bayle, 5 Freedom Road, Freeport South
- Symbal - Antonia Bayle, 5 Erollisi Lane, Qeynos South

All participants will receive an orange and black robe for their main character, a scare crow, and a black and white Community Team gift box! The six winners will also receive the Community Challenge Reward (a gold bowl on a stand with raining coins). In addition, the six winners will have their homes published in the Hall of Fame (provided they opted to publish their homes using the House Rating System).
View screenshots of a few of the entries in both the Haunted Homes Decorating Forum Challenge thread and the Norrathian Homeshow forum.
Thanks again to everyone who entered!