There are always in-game events going on, including some run by Guides, some run by players, and some by the Community Relations Team! Check the in-game calendar for server-wide events, and then visit the forums for additional things to do and see! Have you made plans to attend yet?
Player Events
Player events are run by guilds and individuals. Read more about the events at their links below, and join the discussion on the EQII forums. If you have a player- or guild-run event coming up soon, be sure to advertise it in the Player Events forum and we might highlight your event on EverQuest2.com! If you need help planning an event, try asking for input in this thread.
- 4th (Freeport Server): Pay it Forward
- 4th (Guk Server): Pay It Forward
- 4th (Everfrost Server): Pay It Forward
- 4th (Splitpaw Server): Pay It Forward
- 4th (Oasis Server): Pay It Forward
- 4th (Butcherblock Server): Pay It Forward
- 4th (Splitpaw Server): Drunken Reavers Tavern Opening
Pay It Forward: Several servers are participating in this event! Pay It Forward is a day when adventurers and crafters come together to donate crafted goods, items rotting away in your bank, plat, rares, masters ... you name it ... to young adventurers, asking only that they perform some random good deed for a complete stranger in return. Check the links above for more details. (We even got coverage from Massively!)
Antonia Bayle: If you're interested in helping organize some of the biggest player-run events in Norrath, take a look at Skyana's Looking For Festival Organizers for AB Server thread. The Antonia Bayle server has four large-scale annual events, and now's your chance to be involved.
Guide Events
The Guide Program has a Facebook page. Click here to Like it!
Don't forget to keep an eye on the Guide Events forum, too. Our Guides are always out and about in Norrath, running special quests and events. Here's a peek at just a few of the places you might find Guides this weekend and next week. They're running events every day of the week, so keep an eye out for them! (All times are listed as Pacific time zone; you'll need to convert to your local time.)
Click the server name link below for more information about that server's events.
Saturday, February 4
- 5:00 am PST (Oasis Server): Frostfang Sea
- 9:00 am PST (Splitpaw Server): Frostfang Sea
- 1:00 pm PST (Guk Server): Isle of Mara
- 3:00 pm PST (Freeport Server): (See link)
Sunday, February 5
- 9:00 am PST (Splitpaw Server): Qeynos Harbor
- 6:00 pm PST (Guk Server): Greater Faydark
Tuesday, February 7
- 6:00 pm PST (Everfrost Server): Feerott
Community Team Events
Community Team events are run by members of the SOE Community Relations Team. Amnerys, your EQII Community Manager, is pleased to invite you to these upcoming events!
This month we'll be celebrating Erollisi Day! Watch for days and times to be announced. Come by to mix and mingle, get sweet freebies, and say hello to the Community Relations team. Catch the portal to the Community Lounge next to the Sinking Sands docks when the party begins.