The skies of will be full of fireworks the next few days as player-created events happen across Antonica!
First, on July 14, join the guides on the Storms server as they commemorate the French Revolution with the Bastille Day event! This event, complete with a flying patrol, will take place at 9:00 pm CEST* at the Windstalker Village.
Next, from July 15 through July 21, join players on the Antonia Bayle server for the sixth annual Festival of Unity! The festival is a player created and hosted role playing event that takes place in a number of locations across Antonica. All those loyal to the city of Qeynos and her allies are welcome to join in friendship and celebration. Click here for a full schedule and locations.
Have an event or celebration planned? The community would love to know about it! Please share it in the forums.