Is your home the envy of all in Qeynos? Will your dungeon frighten or delight fellow adventurers? From the heights of Skyblade Skiff to the depths of Crushbone Keep, we are going to showcase some of the homes and dungeons created throughout Norrath in the Norrathian Homeshow!
Share your creations with us! Send an e-mail to with the subject "EQII Norrathian Homeshow" and include the following in the body of your e-mail:
- Character Name:
- Server Name:
- Title of your Home or Dungeon:
- Description: Write a general description of your home or dungeon. Does it have a theme? Is there a story?
- Images: Include up to 10 screenshots not exceeding 5MB. You can also send us URLs to your images hosted online. When taking screenshots, please toggle off your UI. The format of the images should be one of the following formats: .jpg, .png, .bmp, or .gif
- Image Descriptions: Write a general description of each image. Include as many details as possible – tell us what we are seeing!
If your house or dungeon is selected, it will be featured in a future Norrathian Homeshow on the EverQuest II website.