We've got two exciting webcasts for you this week on both Thursday and Friday!
EverQuest Hero's Journey
The world of Norrath is deep, challenging, and massive. Finding your way and your friends in this world can sometimes be the same, especially for newer players who are just beginning to scratch the surface of the game’s stunning 18 expansions. Join members of the EverQuest team as they discuss navigating around Norrath and some changes planned for the future, including new tutorials and the Hero’s Journey. You won't want to miss this!
Join us on Thursday, February 23, 2012, at 4:00 p.m. US Pacific Time* on Twitch TV! The webcast is expected to last about 20 minutes.
Be there for all of the Free to Play details!
PlanetSide 2 Weaponry
Check your loadout, soldiers, and get ready to talk about hardware! The PlanetSide 2 team will be on hand to discuss weaponry from the Terran Republic, New Conglomerate, and Vanu Sovereignty. Do you have questions about the previews you've seen over the last few weeks? Here is your chance to learn more! You won't want to miss this PlanetSide 2 weaponry webcast.
Join us on Friday, February 24, 2012, at 4:30 p.m. US Pacific Time* on Twitch TV!