New Marketplace Items: Luxurious Fur Cloak, Blue Marble Housing Set, & Piranha Plushie!
In addition to the items made by Norrath's amazing and friendly crafters (available through trades and the in-game broker) the EQII in-game Marketplace is an integrated store where you can purchase an assortment of services, items, and features with Station Cash, to enhance your gameplay experience. Appearance armor, mounts, prestige homes, and server transfer tokens are just some of the items available.
New items are added to the Marketplace weekly. Here's a look at the latest additions:
Luxurious Fur Cloak
In the frigid air of New Halas, or wherever your adventures take you, staying warm can be almost as important as defending yourself from enemies! With the Luxurious Fur Cloak you can do so in a stylish and effective manner, and it’s oh so soft and comfortable as well!
Blue Marble Housing Set
There are a multitude of amazing items for your houses in game, but some of the most creative and astounding looks are obtained through creative use of building tiles. Now available for your building pleasure: Blue Marble blocks!
Piranha Plushie
Oh look… he’s so cute. All those cute little teeth! And he’s so friendly as well. Oh my god, he’s got my finger! Get him off! Get him off! He just. Won’t. Stop. He can’t be reasoned with, or pleaded with…