Jesters, thieves, bards and fans of mischief are invited to enjoy the adventuring and new crafting festivities that surround Bristlebane Day! You never know what riddles, laughs and pranks are to be found during this enjoyable time of year.
Celebrators are present in every home city, and the oddest of objects have been spotted in Antonica, The Commonlands, Darklight Wood, Timorous Deep, Greater Faydark and Frostfang Sea! Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for special events, especially in Enchanted Lands, occurring only on the Highest of Silly Days, April 1st, 2013!

New Features for 2013:
- New contest – "Bristlebane Bounce - Sinking Sands"
- New beasts - Beastlords have the chance of finding a rare creature in a multitude of overlands during the weekend (3/29 - 4/1), for their taming pleasure!
- New Tradeskill recipe book, "Perfectly Serious Items to Craft IV". The recipes require holiday harvestables gathered from "Jester's gardens" and other low level harvestables as components.
- New holiday acheivements: A Plethora of Pranks, Conniving Confections, You Jelly?, and Snack Attack
Don't forget to visit these great sites for more information about both old and new events, as well as overviews of the quests and screenshots of the special items available just through this in-game holiday:

The event begins on March 29th and runs through April 11th.
Don't miss out on the mischief!