Are you ready for Brewday?
Grab a stein and celebrate Brewday! The shouts of rowdy patrons located near every player city will lead you to the Bar of Brell, where adventures and crafts await those thirsty and foolhardy enough to enter. Meanwhile, Otengard Brauer has set up a Beer Garden in the Butcherblock Mountains in celebration of Brewday, but the ale seems to have attracted some goblins. Help him while competing against others in an effort to rid the area of the most goblins. And as you're crawling through the bars and drinking holes throughout Norrath, be sure to keep your eyes peeled for special items of interest to collect!
New Quest - "Black Swill for Blackswell"
New Quest - “Deep Within Hammerhall”
New contest - "Brewday Beer Guardin’: Butcherblock;
- New Tradeskill recipe book - "Brewday Accoutrements to Craft III," sold by Balin Copperfoot in the Bar of Brell. The recipes require holiday harvestables gathered from "Bountiful Brewday gardens" and other low level harvestables as components.
- The entrance to the Bar of Brell is now much more prominent in Antonica, Commonlands, Haven, Greater Faydark, Timorous Deep, and Frostfang Sea.
If you're not familiar with this special, once-a-year event, visit these great guides for more information:
Brewday begins on March 8th at 12:01am PST and runs until 11:59pm PST on March 19th.
Don't miss out on the fun!