Real life first name: Eric

Forum handle: Cyanbane

Main Character name: Kezkelia

Server: Nagafen

Guild: Brownie Troop 187

Where in do you live in real life? Atlanta, Ga

How long have you played EQII? Since the old man at the video game store handed me the worn collector's edition with the Auryn on the cover and told me never to open it. So of course I opened it and found the nothing (and a manual, couple of CDRoms, and other stuff), .

What other MMOs have you played? New School (Post EQ): Everquest, Final Fantasy XI, Star Wars Galaxies, Planetside, Dark Age of Camelot, Anarchy Online Old School (Pre EQ): Ultima Online, Meridian 59, Neverwinter Nights (Old AOL MMO), Shadow of Yseribus (Sierra Online), various Dragonlance Muds.

What type of work do you do? Computer Programmer

What is your favorite food and drink to snack on while playing EQII? Drink: Rum & Coke Snack: Triscuts… mmmm… Triscuts

How long is your typical gaming session when playing EQII?2 hours

What does a typical day in EQII consist of for you? Log in check the sales, see what the Troop is up to, look for an guild group/xp grp, either hit the crawls with them or head out to solo in an overland zone.

What was the race and class of your very first character? Erudite Templar (Cyanbane – Mistmoore)

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?Always been into computers/games ever since I got my first 286. Just always been into gaming as a whole. I play mostly MMOs and I have a very big affinity for Real Time Strategy Games (Age of Empire Series/Civilization 4 here recently) but really depends on how much time I have to play that night.

Pirates, ninjas, vikings, robots, or other? Fraggles

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing EverQuest II? Traveling, Fishing, Reading, Programming, Music

What is your highest level in EQII? 37 Adventure / 60 Tradeskill

What race and class is your main character? High Elf Dirge / Sage

What do you like the most about the class you have chosen for your main character? Versatility

Write us a hilarious haiku:
Rajjinn May Look Mean
But He is a Teddy Bear
Don't Ask How I Know

Do you craft with any of your characters? If so, what tradeskills? Yes, a 60 Provisioner (Mistmoore) and a 52 Sage (Nagafen). I likey de craftin'. Provisioner/Sage/Alki

How did you choose your main character's name? Completely Random

What is your favorite zone? Sinking Sands

What is your favorite NPC to fight? Freeportian Guards

What is your favorite NPC to observe or talk to? Mr. Batwing Crunchies

What's the first word that comes to mind when you read: Pepper? Pig

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it? No, High Elves Don't Like Clutter

What do you like best about EverQuest II? The Community /Social In Game Interactions / PvP.

What is your favorite or most memorable moment from EverQuest II? Forming Up the Troop, we had to do it twice because it didn't like our names.

Cake, pie, or other? I'm a Pie Man.

Thank you, Cyanbane, for that great interview! Stay tuned to see who will be in next week's Player Spotlight!