How much has changed in Butcherblock since the last time we've seen it in EQLive?

Zaphax: The Butcherblock Mountains remain a dangerous place for young adventurers to travel through. Players of the original EverQuest will recognize several familiar faces such as aqua goblins, emerald drakes and aviak chicks to name a few. However, there are several new creatures that now live in these mountains, some friendly and some not so friendly. The Yarpsnarl tribe of kobolds have emerged from the Underfoot and established several camps which threaten the might of the Irontoe Brigade. Were that not enough of threat, a highly militarized tribe of bugbears, known as the Krulkiel, have established a large camp in the mountains and threaten to dominate the entire region. Will you answer the dwarves' call for help and assist them in defeating these malignant forces?

The Giant Chessboard is rather substantial; could you explain its story?

Zaphax : Legend has it that Brell and Bristlebane built this chessboard long ago and challenged one another for dominance of this region. Whatever the truth, the board itself is cracked and broken, and only a few giant stone pieces still remain. The chessboard still remains present today; though caution should be taken when traveling to see such a site in person. Giant skeletons still haunt the board and are known to attack adventurers whom they deem a threat. Defeating these undead behemoths may yield great treasures to intrepid adventurers who are up to the challenge.

What do you think are the most interesting areas in Butcherblock?

Zaphax : Where to begin? Butcherblock is honestly one of the most breathtaking zones I've ever seen! From the moment you step off the boat, it's really something to behold. One must take a moment to stand at the edge of the Highlands and watch the sun set over the Butcherblock Docks. The Chessboard, of course, remains as intriguing as it did in the original EverQuest. I also like all the caves that are hidden inside this mountainous region. One might be surprised at who or what they find dwelling inside one of these hidden caverns.