- Corrected an issue that forced the pet health cost of Transference to switch to positive health.
- Corrected an issue that prevented achievements from displaying currency rewards. This was a display issue only. Currency rewards were still granted by the achievements.
- The Scars of Destruction Achievement will now grant a Scars of Destruction: Supremacy ability. Scars of Destruction: Supremacy will ramp up in power as you progress through Scars of Destruction content. Characters that have already obtained the Scars of Destruction Achievement will be granted the ability scroll upon login.
- Increases all bonuses by 10% if the account has obtained the Scars of Destruction: Stealthy Supplies Account Flag.
- Increases all bonuses by 10% if the account has obtained the Scars of Destruction: Scars For Life Account Flag.
- Increases all bonuses by 10% if the character has obtained the Triumph: Salt in the Wounds Achievement.
- Increases all bonuses by 10% if the character has obtained the Triumph: Scab Rat Achievement.
- Increases all bonuses by 10% if the character has obtained the Triumph: Tilt the Scales Achievement.
- Increases all bonuses by 10% if the character has obtained the SoD: Accomplished Tier 1 Raider Achievement.
- Increases all bonuses by 10% if the character has obtained the SoD: Accomplished Tier 2 Raider Achievement.
- Increases all bonuses by 10% if the character has obtained the SoD: Accomplished Tier 3 Raider Achievement.
- Increases all bonuses by 20% if the character has obtained the Triumph: Blow This Hot Gob Stand Achievement.
- Increases all bonuses by 20% if the character has obtained the SoD: Accomplished Tier 4 Raider Achievement.
- Increases all bonuses by 30% if the character has obtained the SoD: Accomplished Tier 5 Raider Achievement.
- Increases all bonuses by 30% if the character has obtained the Triumph: Yet Another Scar Achievement.
- Increases all bonuses by 50% if the character has obtained the Triumph: Complete all Scars of Destruction Collections Achievement.
- The maximum purchasable wardrobe rows have been increased to 35 on all wardrobe categories for a maximum total of 210 available slots per category.
- Effects from adornments will no longer stack multiple times.
- The following Hunter's Union Adornments have had their Fervor stats changed to Ability Double Cast. This ensures Hunter's Union Adornments of the same type are improved consistently from expansion to expansion.
- Caertaxian Hunter's Celebratory Mark
- Caertaxian Hunter's Guarded Spirit
- Caertaxian Hunter's Protective Spirit
- Cutthroat Hunter's Blunted Essence
- Cutthroat Hunter's Guise
- Cutthroat Hunter's Protective Spirit
- Cutthroat Hunter's Worthy Sign
- Desert Hunter's Guise
- Desert Hunter's Protective Spirit
- Desert Hunter's Triumphant Mark
- Desert Hunter's Worthy Sign
- Faydark Hunter's Blunted Essence
- Faydark Hunter's Celebratory Mark
- Faydark Hunter's Clawing Fury
- Faydark Hunter's Worthy Sign
- Rilissian Hunter's Celebratory Mark
- Rilissian Hunter's Clawing Fury
- Rilissian Hunter's Guise
- Rilissian Hunter's Pointed Essence
- Rilissian Hunter's Protective Spirit
- Sky Hunter's Clawing Fury
- Sky Hunter's Guarded Spirit
- Sky Hunter's Triumphant Mark
- Void Hunter's Blunted Essence
- Void Hunter's Clawing Fury
- Void Hunter's Complete Aspect
- Void Hunter's Guise
- Void Hunter's Pointed Essence
- Void Hunter's Triumphant Mark
- Void Hunter's Worthy Sign
- Corrected the area of effect on the Cry of the Battlepriest triggered effect so that it is large enough to include some group members.
- Sabertooth Scribe Scroll - House item can now properly stack.
- Darkpaw Rising - This painting is now properly flagged as a house item and can now be properly stored in the house item depot.
- Forlorn Grainsack Pile - Item name now accurately reflects its appearance.
- Forlorn Grainsack Stack - Item name now accurately reflects its appearance.
- The following Turquoise Adornments can now be equipped by characters of any class:
- Favor of the Tomb: Ears
- Favor of the Tomb: Neck
- Favor of the Tomb: Wrist
- Corrected an issue that caused the Well Prepared adornment to calculate its bonuses before account flags had finished loading after zoning.
- Characters that possess the Mama Curie cosmetic pet on Time-Locked Expansion servers that have unlocked mercenaries will unlock hiring the Mama Curie mercenary upon summoning the pet.
- Chetari Blood Rune ... - Chetari is now spelled correctly in all of the items associated with these quests.
- Sodden Slugfest - Quest completion on-screen text now accurately identifies the zone as Sodden Archipelago.
- What a Wastes - Quest completion on-screen text now accurately identifies the zone as Western Wastes.
- Dabbling in Draconic Alchemy - Gathering a Flawless Drakiz Gem now provides 2 gems as one is needed as the recipe's primary component and one is needed as the recipe's fuel.
- Of Duty and Fate: My Brother's Keeper - Winston the Wise should no longer be found on the ground below his nest house in Splendor Sky Aerie.
QUESTS - Origins
- Spindlecog's New Job - Tinkerer Spindlecog will now recognize the items you've collected.
- Training is a Shield - Grozmag's Trial no longer has a wait time associated with the trial stages.
- A Small Sampling - The strange rock found after Gulp's defeat now accurately spawns at Gulp's death location.
- Missing Scouts - The wounded scout found after Gulp's defeat now accurately spawns at Gulp's death location.
- Funeral Pyre - Igniting the shrouds in the Crypt of T'haen now updates the quest, as intended.
- The Relic of Ocean - The ruins of the druid ring in Zek, the Orcishwastes will now update.
- The Relic of Sun - The ruins of the druid ring in Zek, the Orcishwastes will now update.
- The Relic of Growth - The ruins of the druid ring in Zek, the Orcishwastes will now update.
- The Relic of Storm - The ruins of the druid ring in Zek, the Orcishwastes will now update.
- Deep Ice - Quests require killing icegill goblins. I've killed numerous goblins, but no updates!
- Insulated Warmers - Quests require killing icegill goblins. I've killed numerous goblins, but no updates!
- Targok, Part IV - The Thexians in Nektulos Forest now update the quest, as they should.
- The Last Straw - Killing warboars in Runnyeye now properly updates the quest.
- The Crossing of the Fanged Sea - The mariner's bell at the Thundering Steppes dock to Everfrost, now also takes you upon the Fanged Sea.
- Hunt for the Greenmist - The Greenmist Landing key can now be used to open the intended lockerbox, at the Blackhook camp in Zek, the Orcishwastes.
- "Alliz Evol Ew" tome collection - Alliz Evol Ew page 5 can now be found in its hiding place in the Feerrott.
- A Vision of Fear - This quest can now be obtained by running through the tunnel at the Feerrott Dock in The Feerrott.
- The tradeskill mission "Supplies: Shooting the Breeze" now requests the same amount of larch wood as the recipe requires, instead of the player running short for the final combine.
- When creating the Brewday house item "Sliced Corned Beef", the result is no longer improperly pluralized as "Beeves"
- Typo fix - Nuniun's need for a big badaboom out in Shadeweaver Thicket no longer results in players creating multiple "explosiveses".
- The tradeskill mission "Supplies: The Right Tools" now asks for Scrimshaw Carving Tools instead of Scrimshaw Tools in order to be more, well, right.
- Creation of High Energy Winter Rations for the Scars of Destruction tradeskill daily no longer yields creative pluralization. Rationses are not as good as taterses!
- Crowberry Burbot Blend will now require a Mountain Blueberry to craft.
- Items in keyrings can now be used with macros. When adding a macro step, just select: "Use Keyring Item."
- Corrected an issue that caused Jorlak in the Eastern Wastes to not be visible on live servers.
- Sodden Archipelago: Thawed Marshes [Raid] has opened! Speak with Benton McGillicuddy within the Sodden Archipelago for details on how you can assist.
- Dragon Necropolis: Vaults of Veneration [Heroic II]
- Peraxum the Preposterous' adds should be more easily differentiated from one another.
- Blackhook Spiral: Corrupted Caldera [Heroic II]
- Lord Tarinax's enervated enigmas now spawn from the center of the Spires of Vuldor.
- The Combat Mitigation provided by Lord Tarinax's Void Connection has been reduced for both normal and challenge versions.
- Blackhook Spiral: Stonebrunt Defile [Heroic II]
- Orok the Overbearing's Last Ditch Effort curse can now be cured.
- The Overlord's Throne Room - A star shaped key can now be found allowing zone progression.
- Spirits of the Lost [Raid] - Atrius the Watcher & Varanak the Everlasting are no longer absent from the zone.