- Zimaran Minion's Great Blade of Fortitude - Sword is now properly named to accurately reflect the weapon type.
- Wild Aeraquis Plushie - House item can now be scaled bigger when placed.
- Corrected the location that the Southern Scar Draconic Teleporter sends you when you use it to teleport to Blackhook Badlands.
- Scars of Destruction: Welcome to Woe - Frilyeras Qalas will now only call out to those adventurers who are level 130 in Freeport from now on.
- The Sins of Butcherblock - Interacting with the returned treasure chests no longer returns an erroneous error message.
- The sustained damage spells, Draconic Design and Spiral Tap, from Scars of Destruction [Challenge] heroic encounters, now inflict less damage over time.
- Sodden Archipelago: Thawed Marshes [Raid]
- Kappa should now be properly classified as Kappa for the Master's Strike abilities.
- Scars of Destruction [Solo] Hot Zones
- Charred Lemange has returned with health and mitigations more in line with other solo boss encounters.
- A weekly mission is now granted on entry to a [Solo] zone with rewards for defeating Charred Lemange.
- Ballads of Zimara [Solo] dungeons
- Grace of Norrath once again provides damage reduction and procs Graceful Smite.
QUESTS - Origins
- Vision of Fear - The Eye of Thule now provides the "Runes of the Great Eye" tablet to examine, as intended. The Eye of Thule can even provide a replacement for those on the examination step of the quest.