The first expansion for EverQuest II, The Desert of Flames, launches today on Anashti Sul! Return to the Island of Ro and the heart of the Dervish Empire, the jewel of the desert, the City of Maj'Dul. Experience this land, rich with magic, adventurer, and intrigue! The warring courts of Maj’Dul, the machinations of the Djinn Master, the glory of the Shimmering Citadel, the mystery of the forgotten goddess, the horrors of the Silent City; It all awaits you across the Sea of Sand in the Desert of Flames!

The Chains of Eternity expansion is now unlocked on Varsoon! Death is rampant across Norrath. Citizens are suddenly falling dead as their spirits are torn from their bodies. No one on Norrath seems to understand why the souls are being pulled from the mortal plane, but all signs point to a massive disturbance within Ethernere, the realm of the dead. The heroes of the world must travel to Ethernere to find the cause of the unbalance in the Grey Wastes, and discover what has become of its caretaker - the mysterious being known as Drinal. If the heroes can return balance to Ethernere, the siphoning of souls may be halted. Should they fail, both the living and the dead will suffer a dismal fate.
  • Bruiser
    • Stone Deaf has been restored to its 2005 state.
  • Cleric
    • Divine Aura has been restored to its 2005 state.
    • Protection from Undead has been restored to its 2005 state.
  • Conjuror
    • Agitation has been restored to its 2005 state.
    • Exasperate has been restored to its 2005 state.
    • Minion's Stance: Aggravate has been restored to its 2005 state.
    • Minion's Stance: Provocation has been restored to its 2005 state.
    • Minion's Stance: Vexation has been restored to its 2005 state.
    • Settle has been restored to its 2005 state.
    • Stoneskin has been restored to its 2005 state.
    • Vehement Gem has been restored to its 2005 state.
    • Vehement Rock has been restored to its 2005 state.
    • Vehement Stone has been restored to its 2005 state.
  • Crusader
    • Divine Aura has been restored to its 2005 state.
  • Dirge
    • Stoneskin has been restored to its 2005 state.
  • Guardian
    • Stoneskin has been restored to its 2005 state.
    • Tower of Stone has been restored to its 2005 state.
  • Templar
    • Divine Shield has been restored to its 2005 state.
  • Troubador
    • Requiem of Reflection has been restored to its 2005 state.
ITEMS - Origins
  • Skin of Valor has been restored to its 2005 state.
  • Exploration discoveries have been enabled on the Origins server.
  • The NPC ability Combat Warding has been restored to its 2005 state.
  • The NPC ability Dancing Shadows has been restored to its 2005 state.
  • The NPC ability Folding Skin has been restored to its 2005 state.
  • The NPC ability Magical Warding has been restored to its 2005 state.
  • The NPC ability Ruffled Feathers has been restored to its 2005 state.
  • The NPC ability Shadow Warding has been restored to its 2005 state.
  • The NPC ability Skin of Stone has been restored to its 2005 state.
  • The NPC ability Skin of Valor has been restored to its 2005 state.
  • The NPC ability Spiritual Warding has been restored to its 2005 state.
  • The NPC ability Stone Deaf has been restored to its 2005 state.
  • The NPC ability Stoney Hide has been restored to its 2005 state.
  • The NPC ability Total Immunity has been restored to its 2005 state.
  • Scars of Destruction Raid bosses now drop 3 gear items each time they are defeated and have an increased chance to drop rare items.
  • Corrected an issue preventing Boreas Penannular Cuff from dropping
  • The Erollisi Day Public Quest, Love Will Lead You Back, now has less stringent participation requirements for full rewards.
  • Lovely Gift - This Erollisi Day house item can now be scaled larger.
  • Hot Zones
    • Heroic bonus boss encounters have reduced health and will remain in combat for 5 minutes.
  • Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Sovereign Summons [Raid]
    • Damage and trigger count for "Fervent Wishes" in the Ikal-tam the Pensive encounter have been reduced.
  • Scars of Destruction Raids
    • Resolve requirements for Tier 1 raids have been reduced from 10,815 to 10,795.
    • Resolve requirements for Tier 2 raids have been reduced from 11,025 to 11,015.
    • The following raid zones are now available for play depending on progress on the Bonds of Mischief and Thawing Rivalry quests.
      • Blackhook Spiral: Frenzied Breach [Tier 2 Raid]
      • Blackhook Spiral: Spiritual Terror [Tier 2 Raid] 
      • Blackhook Spiral: Aftermath [Tier 2 Raid]
      • Western Wastes: Exploration Determination [Tier 3 Raid]
      • Western Wastes: Temple Crater [Tier 3 Raid]
      • Kael Drakkel: Abdicated Throne [Tier 4 Raid]
      • Temple of Veeshan: Echoing Silence [Tier 4 Raid]
      • Sodden Archipelago: Operation Cooperation [Tier 4 Raid]
    • Sodden Archipelago: Thawed Marshes [Raid]
      • The maximum timer has been increased to 14 days with the minimum timer remaining 6.5 days. This change only applies to the Thawed Marshes raid zone.
      • Checks for various steps in the Thawing Rivalry and Bonded Mischief quests have been added to keep allies from falling behind if they miss a quest step between defeating bosses.
      • Joggu the Steadfast should no longer cause the user interface to show detriments that cannot be removed.
      • Barlsbit the Scavenger's Failed Shielding effect should now only affect the target that failed to counter his Barrage ability.
      • The Failed Shielding effect in raids has been reworked to take tier of the encounter into account, making the Tier 1 raid Failed Shielding effect a bit easier to handle than higher tiers.
      • Area effect spells used in raids; Slashing Reprisal, Strategic Stab, and Sheering Pressure should now have a smaller effect radius.
      • Area effect spells used in raids; Elemental Storm, Noxious Storm, and Arcane Storm incoming damage increasing effects should now increase incoming damage slightly less when applied.
      • Viterol the Voracious’ area effect abilities should now cast a bit slower.
      • Sommumun the Frenzied should no longer use the Barrage ability.
      • Sommumun the Frenzied’s area effect abilities should now cast a bit slower.
      • Bucko, Loyal Pet to Maferi should no longer use the Barrage ability.
      • Bucko’s incendiary explosion effect should no longer affect his target, if his target is a fighter class.
      • In the Chieftain Maferi encounter, the summoned Mandoko Chanters should now hasten respawn rate over the length of the encounter at a slower rate, giving more time to handle them toward the end of the encounter.
      • Vitoth of the Gnarled Roots’ area effect abilities should now recast slightly slower.
      • Grand Shaman Grungizt’s area effect abilities should now recast slightly slower.
      • Boss encounter added spawns within Tier1 raid encounters have had their maximum health lowered.