• Corrected an issue where Arms of Imagination was displaying both the post-patch amount of 10 AE Autoattack per tier and the pre-patch amount of 4 AE Autoattack per tier, and only granting one of the two. The ability will now only display and grant 10 AE Autoattack per tier and will no longer have a random chance to apply the lower outdated effect.


  • Mechanized Platinum Repository of Reconstruction will now display its owner's name.
  • The drop rates for Chains of Korrosk, Ebb, and Flow in Darkpaw Warrens have been adjusted.


  • Masquerades of Divinity
    • Masquerade of Divinity Ethereal upgraded weapons should now update from the instanced version of the avatars.
    • Drinal's "Horns of the Afterlife" area effect ability should no longer hit for quite as much damage.
    • Drinal's "Waves of Panic" area effect ability should no longer hit for quite as much damage.
    • Overall difficulty has been reduced for all instanced avatar encounters.
    • Brell's summoned "rolling stones" should no longer spawn on a random player and instead spawn in specific locations in the encounter area.


  • Gnoll Win Situation
    • The voice of a Splitpaw gnoll will no longer call out if you are not in one of the appropriate Darkpaw Warrens zones.


  • Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Sovereign Summons [Raid]
    • Goods have been added to the display tables near Smee and Smol to show off what goods they are selling and the prices to those who obtain maximum faction with them.