• Corrected a bug that prevented Balanced Synergy from displaying a failed or successful cast.
  • Call to home now functions correctly for those that call a dirty cave in the ground their home "city".
  • Updated the following ability and item wards into a new more efficient code type. There should be no functional difference to how the wards function in use.
    • Abounding Ward
    • Absorption Barrier
    • Absorption Shield
    • Added Grace
    • Aegis I
    • Aegis of Blood
    • Al'kabor's Arcane Barrier
    • Ancestral Barrier
    • Ancestral Cleansing
    • Ancestral Palisade
    • Ancestral Shielding
    • Ancestral Ward
    • Ancient Invigoration
    • Ancient Shroud
    • Arcane Reprieve
    • Armor of Peace
    • Aura of Leadership
    • Aura of Warding
    • Auxiliary Protection
    • Barrier
    • Bladeshield
    • Blessing of Zan Fi
    • Blood Nourishment
    • Bountiful Ward
    • Brace of Stone
    • Bulwark of Faith
    • Bulwark of Life
    • Bulwark: Arcane
    • Bulwark: Elemental
    • Bulwark: Noxious
    • Bulwark: Physical
    • Burnies Ring of Fire
    • Calming Waters
    • Carrion Warding
    • Circle of Warmth
    • Circling Wall of Memories
    • Clay Shield
    • Clear Mind
    • Collectors Bolster
    • Combat Glory
    • Constant Currents
    • Crisis Deflection
    • Curse of Shielding
    • Darkcoil's Hardening
    • Deadly Repulsion
    • Death Cries
    • Deathless Devotion
    • Deathward
    • Defensive Haven
    • Demonstration of Faith
    • Detrimental Ablatement and Mutilation Negation
    • Divinity's Aid
    • Dozekar's Resilience
    • Dwarven Toughness
    • Earth Shield
    • Eerie Avenger
    • Eidolic Savior
    • Eidolic Ward
    • Elemental Reprieve
    • Empyrean Lands
    • Enduring Defense
    • Enigmatic Protection
    • Erud's Warding
    • Escape Death
    • Evasion
    • Extended Bulwark: Arcane
    • Extended Bulwark: Elemental
    • Extended Bulwark: Noxious
    • Extended Bulwark: Physical
    • Fire Hardened Flesh
    • Force of Nature
    • Forgotten Dreams
    • Frigid Fortification
    • Frost Ward
    • Frozen Memory
    • Gale Force Winds
    • Gallant Intervention
    • Glyph of Warding
    • Granite Armor
    • Granite Avatar
    • Greater Aegis I
    • Greater Renewing Bulwark I
    • Greater Aegis
    • Greater Aegis of Blood
    • Greater Ancestral Barrier
    • Greater Gallant Intervention
    • Greater Renewing Bulwark
    • Greater Renewing Bulwark I
    • Grey Ward
    • Group Bulwark: Arcane
    • Group Bulwark: Elemental
    • Group Bulwark: Noxious
    • Group Bulwark: Physical
    • Hateshield
    • Healing Arrow
    • Healing Barrage
    • Immaterial Planar Barrier
    • Impart Faith
    • Incorruptible Determination
    • Intellectual Remedy
    • Iron Will
    • Ironhide Defense
    • Lesser Ancient Invigoration
    • Lesser Runic Absorption
    • Lesser Stonewill
    • Magi's Shielding
    • Major Aegis of Blood
    • Major Gallant Intervention
    • Mana Ward
    • Might of the Land
    • Mindburst
    • Monstrous Warding
    • Mystic Ritual
    • Noxious Reprieve
    • Oberon
    • Outward Calm
    • Peerless Defense
    • Percussive Shield
    • Phantasmal Barrier
    • Phantasmic Ward
    • Photosynthetic Ward
    • Planar Mender's Aura
    • Precognitive Ward
    • Preemptive Protection
    • Prepared Defenses
    • Prolific Ward
    • Prophetic Shield
    • Prophetic Ward
    • Protection of Heroes
    • Purulence
    • Pyrebreath Bulwark
    • Reactive Shell
    • Reet Shield Dance
    • Rehabilitate
    • Reinforce
    • Renewing Bulwark
    • Renewing Bulwark I
    • Repent
    • Reprieve
    • Residual Ward
    • Revered Lands
    • Rock Skin
    • Rotting Shield
    • Rune Meld
    • Rune of A'zkal
    • Rune of the Eye
    • Rune of Warding
    • Runic Absorption
    • Runic Armor
    • Runic Barrier
    • Runic Deflection
    • Runic Redemption
    • Runic Reflection
    • Sacred Territory
    • Sanction of Protection
    • Scale Skin
    • Scaled Protection
    • Seething Vengeance
    • Serene Energy
    • Shaper's Wall
    • Share Pain
    • Sheltering Barrier
    • Shield of Faith
    • Shield of Purity
    • Shielding
    • Shielding Ripple
    • Shroud of Armor
    • Silver Skin
    • Siphoned Protection
    • Skin Like Stone
    • Skin Like Wood
    • Skin of Clay
    • Soul Barrier
    • Soul Shackle
    • Soultemper
    • Sparkling Shield
    • Spectral Ward
    • Spirit Aegis
    • Spirit Domination
    • Spirit of Druidism
    • Spiritual Leadership
    • Starborn
    • Stoneshield of Magic
    • Stonewill
    • Summon Carpet of the Djinn Master
    • Terrifying Swarm
    • Thick Bands
    • Torpor
    • Totemic Protection
    • Touch of Life
    • Toxic Avenger
    • Toxic Backlash
    • Trauma Reprieve
    • Umbral Barrier
    • Umbral Warding
    • Undying Devotion
    • Unearthly Vigor
    • Unyielding Benediction
    • Valorous Service
    • Virtue
    • Visage of Determination
    • Ward Elemental
    • Ward of Duality
    • Ward of Life
    • Ward of Rage
    • Ward of Rejuvenation
    • Ward of Resistance
    • Ward of Sages
    • Ward of Sanctuary
    • Ward of Security
    • Ward of the Everdark
    • Ward of the Oracle
    • Ward of the Untamed
    • Warding Balm
    • Warding Sphere
    • Warding Spirits
    • Wards of the Eidolon
    • Warming Touch
    • Watchman's Ward
    • Will from Temperance
    • Will of the Warlord
    • Winds of Prevention
    • Woodward
    • Wrathful Ire
    • Xenolith
  • All Renewal of Ro epic abilities have been updated to have more impactful and role defining effects.
    • Fighter
      • Brawler: Bruiser Brutal Execution
        • Casting Time: 0.8
        • Recast Time: 121
        • Duration: 15
        • Effects:
          • Group members will dodge incoming attacks.
          • Caster has a chance to stoneskin damage.
          • When group members cast a hostile ability % chance to trigger Unseen Strikes on target.
            • Deals crushing damage to the target.
      • Brawler: Monk Divine Execution
        • Casting Time: 0.8
        • Recast Time: 121
        • Duration: 15
        • Effects:
          • Group members will dodge incoming attacks.
          • Increases groups healing received.
          • Wards group members against all damage.
          • Allows combination to trigger off of any hostile ability.
          • Increases the effectiveness of Combination.
      • Crusader: Paladin Holy Stampede
        • Casting Time: 1.1
        • Recast Time: 116
        • Duration: 18
        • Update Count: 18
        • Effects:
          • Increases in-combat movement speed of group members.
          • Summons a limited pet to aid the caster.
          • Reduces all damage done to caster.
          • Increases group members mitigation vs Elemental, Noxious, and Arcane damage.
          • (Adept) Increases Melee Multiplier of group members.
          • (Adept) Increases Hate Gain of caster.
          • (Adept) Increases Strikethrough of group members.
          • (Adept) Increases Accuracy of group members.
      • Crusader: Shadowknight Unholy Stampede
        • Casting Time: 1.1
        • Recast Time: 116
        • Duration: 18
        • Effects:
          • Increases in-combat movement speed of group members.
          • Summons a limited pet to aid the caster.
          • Increases Ability Doublecast of group members.
          • Increases Potency of group members.
          • (Adept) Increases Melee Multiplier of group members.
          • (Adept) Increases Hate Gain of caster.
          • (Adept) Increases Strikethrough of group members.
          • (Adept) Increases Accuracy of group members.
      • Warrior: Berserker Overwhelming Force
        • Casting Time: 0.6
        • Recast Time: 142
        • Duration: 12 seconds
        • Update Count: 12
        • Effects:
          • On death will cast Impenetrable Force on caster.
            • Heals caster for 100%.
          • Applies Underwhelmed instantly and every update.
            • Increases Fervor Overcap of caster multiplied by increment count.
            • Increases Flurry Multiplier of raid members, multiplied by increment count.
            • Increases AE Autoattack of raid members, multiplied by increment count.
      • Warrior: Guardian Saving Grace
        • Casting Time: 0.5
        • Recast Time: 95
        • Duration: 12
        • Effects:
          • Intercepts a percentage of damage inflicted on group members.
          • On caster's death casts Saving Grace on caster.
          • Reduces damage done to caster by 100%.
            • Heals caster for 100% of max health.
          • On natural expiration, applies Unbroken Grace.
            • Reduces all damage done to group members.
            • Increases group members maximum health.
          • Clears the reuse of Sentry Watch and Unyielding Will.
    • Mage
      • Enchanter: Coercer Foretold Prophecy
        • Casting Time: 0.8
        • Recast Time: 152
        • Duration: 60
        • Effects:
          • Group members will lose less power when power is consumed.
          • When group members fall below 10% power will cast Foretold Prophecy on the group.
            • Increases group members power.
          • (Master) Increases the damage of Puppetmaster's puppets.
          • (Master) Increases the duration of of Puppetmaster.
          • (Ancient) Makes Channel a raid wide effect.
          • (Ancient) Prevents Channel from being reapplied for 20 seconds.
      • Enchanter: Illusionist: Illusionary Mindstorm
        • Casting Time: 0.8
        • Recast Time: 152
        • Duration: 60
        • Effects:
          • Group members will lose less power when power is consumed.
          • When group members fall below 10% power will cast Mindstorm on the group.
            • Increases group members power instantly and every update.
          • (Expert) Reduces the base reuse time of Phantom Troupe.
          • (Grandmaster) Increases the bonuses granted by Phantom Troupe.
      • Sorcerer: Warlock Enhanced Cataclysm
        • Casting Time: 0.5
        • Recast Time: 42
        • Duration: 18
        • Effects:
          • Increases group members effectiveness of abilities that deal elemental or noxious damage.
          • Set's the base reuse time of Cataclysm based on increment counts.
          • Set's the caster's base casting time of Cataclysm if at least 4 increments.
          • Increments based off of the numbers engaged in combat when cast.
      • Sorcerer: Wizard Enhanced Ice Comet
        • Casting Time: 1.5
        • Recast Time: 42
        • Duration: 18
        • Effects:
          • Increases group members effectiveness of abilities that deal elemental or noxious damage.
          • Set's the caster's base reuse time of E'ci's Frozen Wrath and Ice Comet and increases the effectiveness of those abilities.
          • Increases the radius of E'ci's Frozen Wrath.
          • Clears the casters reuse of E'ci's Frozen Wrath and Ice Comet.
          • Set's the caster's base casting time of E'ci's Frozen Wrath and Ice Comet.
      • Summoner: Conjuror Shard Storm
        • Casting Time: 0.5
        • Recast Time: 89
        • Duration: 16
        • Effects:
          • Increases the charges Shards of Essence gain when they are summoned.
          • Manipulated Essence will hasten the base reuse time of group members summoned scout and fighter pets abilities.
          • (Master) Manipulated Essence will reduce the amount of power damage done to the essence user.
          • (Grandmaster) Manipulated Essence will grant stacks of Elemental Manipulation to the essence summoner when consumed.
            • Increases the effectiveness of Elemental Blast, multiplied by increment count.
            • Reduces the base reuse time of Elemental Blast by 10 seconds per increment.
          • (Grandmaster) Reduces the base casting time of Shard of Essence and Najena's Essence Summoning to 0.5.
          • (Celestial) Reduces the base reuse time of Shard of Essence to 1.
      • Summoner: Necromancer Abominate Undead
        • Casting Time: 0.5
        • Recast Time: 89
        • Duration: 16
        • Effects:
          • Increases the charges Dark Hearts gain when they are summoned.
          • Manipulated Hearts will hasten the base reuse time of group members summoned mage and priest pets abilities.
          • (Master) Manipulated Hearts will grant stacks of Abominate Death to the heart consumer and summoner when consumed.
            • Increases max health of target multiplied by increment stacks.
          • (Grandmaster) Manipulated Hearts will grant stacks of Abominate Life to the heart summoner when consumed.
            • Increases the base damage of Lifeburn by 10% multiplied by increment count.
            • Decreases the base duration of Bloodcoil and Boil Blood based on increment count.
          • (Grandmaster) Reduces the base casting time of Dark Heart and and Miragul's Dark Heart Summoning to 0.5.
          • (Celestial) Reduces the base reuse time of Dark Heart to 1.
    • Priest
      • Cleric: Inquisitor Touch Of Resistance
        • Casting Time: 0.6
        • Recast Time: 95
        • Duration: 12
        • Effects:
          • When any damage is received by group members this spell will cast Divine Prayer on target.
            • Heals target.
          • Reduces arcane damage done to group members.
          • Applies Ferocity of Resistance when applied and upon group member inflicting a death blow.
            • Increases Melee Multiplier of the group.
            • Increases Flurry of the group.
            • Increases Flurry Multiplier of the group.
            • Increases Fervor of the group.
      • Cleric: Templar Touch Of Life
        • Casting Time: 0.6
        • Recast Time: 89
        • Duration: 12
        • Effects:
          • When any damage is received by group members this spell will cast Touch of Life on target.
            • Heals target.
          • Reduces the physical and arcane damage done to group members.
          • On Death this spell will cast Bulwark of Life on target.
            • Wards group members against all damage.
            • Bulwark of Life is not affected by bleedthrough.
      • Druid: Fury Natural Combustion
        • Casting Time: 0.6
        • Recast Time: 79
        • Duration: 18
        • Effects:
          • Increases group member healing received.
          • Increases group member effectiveness of elemental damage abilities.
          • Increases update count of heal over time abilities.
          • (Master) Prevents group members from being interrupted.
      • Druid: Warden Natural Infusion
        • Casting Time: 0.7
        • Recast Time: 74
        • Duration: 18
        • Effects:
          • Increases group member healing received.
          • Reduces elemental damage done to group members.
          • When any damage is received this will will cast Natural Infusion on targets attacker.
            • Inflicts magic damage on target encounter.
          • When group members cast a physical or elemental hostile ability will Natural Infusion cast on target.
            • Inflicts magic damage on target encounter.
          • (Master) Prevents group members from being interrupted.
          • (Master) Increases the base duration and update count of Healstorm.
          • (Master) Increases the base duration and update count of Photosynthesis.
          • Clears the Reuse time of Primordial Flame.
          • Decreases the base casting time of Dawnstrike and Primordial Flame.
      • Shaman: Defiler Defiling Hex Ward
        • Casting Time: 0.7
        • Recast Time: 89
        • Duration: 29
        • Update Count: 4
        • Effects:
          • Wards group members against all damage.
          • When group members cast a hostile ability % chance to trigger Defiling Hex Ward on target.
            • Reduces bleedthrough of target.
            • This effect will not stack from multiple casters.
            • Increments up to 4 times.
          • Summons a pet Defiled Moppet.
            • Intercepts noxious damage from its master.
            • Curse Curse on its master, which can be toggled by right clicking on the moppet.
          • (Master) Spiritual Circle will apply Defiled Circle when summoned.
          • Increases potency of group members.
      • Shaman: Mystic Mystical Hex Ward
        • Casting Time: 0.7
        • Recast Time: 100
        • Duration: 29
        • Update Count: 4
        • Effects:
          • Wards group members against all damage.
          • When group members cast a hostile ability % chance to trigger Defiling Hex Ward on target.
            • Reduces bleedthrough of target.
            • This effect will not stack from multiple casters.
            • Increments up to 4 times.
          • Summons a pet Mystic Moppet.
            • Intercepts arcane damage from its master.
            • Curse Curse on its master, which can be toggled by right clicking on the moppet.
          • Increases the effectiveness of Bolster and Ancestral Bolster.
          • Clears the reuse of Bolster and Ancestral Bolster.
          • Decreases the base casting time of Ancestral Bolster.
          • Decreases the base casting time of Bolster.
      • Shaper: Channeler Forceful Channeling
        • Casting Time: 1
        • Recast Time: 121
        • Duration: 60
        • Update Count: 7
        • Effects:
          • Heals group members instantly and every update.
          • Increases power of group members instantly and every update.
          • Prevents AoE on group members.
          • (Master) Prevents group members from being interrupted due to movement.
          • (Grandmaster) When cast, triggers Channeled Focus on the caster.
            • Prevents group members being dazed, feared, rooted, stunned, or stifled.
    • Scout
      • Animalist: Beastlord Animalistic Intent
        • Casting Time: 0.5
        • Recast Time: 42 Seconds
        • Duration: 21 seconds
        • Effects:
          • Increases all damage done to target by %. Only effects targets that may be tamed until Adept.
          • When the target receives a hostile ability % chance to trigger Animalistic Intent on target.
            • Summons a swarm pet to attack the target.
            • Triggers a heal and power heal on the casters group members.
      • Bard: Dirge Dancing Precession
        • Casting Time: 0.5
        • Recast Time: 142
        • Duration: 30
        • Update Count: 6
        • Effects:
          • Increases modifiable epic spell effects of group members.
          • Summons a limited pet for each fighter or scout group member.
            • Applies Riana's Relentless Precession for each summoned pet.
              • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of group members.
          • Increases fighter and scout group members effectiveness of damage abilities.
      • Bard: Troubador Mindful Melody
        • Casting Time: 0.5
        • Recast Time: 142
        • Duration: 30
        • Update Count: 6
        • Effects:
          • Increases modifiable epic spell effects of group members.
          • Summons a limited pet for each mage or priest group member.
            • Applies Mindful Maestro's Harmony for each summoned pet.
              • Increases Ability Doublecast of group members.
          • Increases mage and priest group members effectiveness of elemental, magical and noxious damage abilities.
      • Predator: Assassin Tracing Wound
        • Casting Time: 0.6
        • Recast Time: 53 seconds
        • Duration: 24 seconds
        • Update Count: 8
        • Effects:
          • Increases all damage done to target by %.
          • Increases noxious damage done to target by %.
          • Decreases combat mitigation of target.
          • Inflicts poison damage on target instantly and every update.
      • Predator: Ranger Tracing Shot
        • Casting Time: 0.7
        • Recast Time: 42
        • Duration: 24
        • Update Count: 24
        • Effects:
        • Increases all damage done to target.
        • Applies Traced Target.
          • Increases Fervor of group members multiplied by increment stack.
          • Increases Fervor Overcap of group members multiplied by increment stack.
        • Adds an increment of Traced Target for every five meters of the caster from the target, after the first ten meters.
      • Rogue: Brigand Poisonous Plan
      • Casting Time: 0.4
      • Recast Time: 105
      • Duration: 6
      • Effects:
        • Decreases combat mitigation of target.
        • Increases physical damage done to the target.
        • On Hostile Ability cast by raid members will apply Planned Poisoning to target.
          • Inflicts poison damage to target.
          • Decreases combat mitigation of target.
      • Rogue: Swashbuckler Dastardly Plan
        • Casting Time: 0.6
        • Recast Time: 95
        • Duration: 10
        • Effects:
        • Transfers some of the casters current hate tot he target's most hated enemy.
        • Increases effectiveness of Marauder's Vaunt.
        • (Master) Adds a flurry, and a flurry multiplier component to the caster's Marauder's Vaunt.
        • (Master) Increases the base radius of Marauder's Vaunt.
        • (Master) Increases the base duration of Marauder's Vaunt.
  • Beastlord
    • Corrected an issue that would cause warders to go into a loop trying to cast beneficial effects on an enemy encounter and fail, preventing them from rotating back into casting hostile effects.
  • Crusader
    • Soulclaim will now overwrite itself it if it already up when triggered.
  • Conjuror
    • Shards summoned while under the effect of Shard Storm should no longer cease functioning upon reviving.
  • Necromancer
    • Hearts summoned while under the effect of Abominate Undead should no longer cease functioning upon reviving.
  • Fury
    • Wrath's Blessing was been re-worked so that it correctly interacts with heals again.
  • Summoner
    • Corrected an issue that prevented Arcane Minion from applying to pets on Time-Locked servers.
    • Corrected an issue that would prevent Symbiotic Bond from applying in many circumstances.


  • Ganak Gravedigger - This achievement, available on the Kael Drakkel server, can now be accomplished by defeating Dominus Ganak in Jarsath Wastes.


  • Adjusted the script path that Overseer Boost items check to address an issue with them making the checks before the zone server was capable of receiving the reply.


  • Ancestral Bolster II (Celestial) has been added to Ortallian Scroll Case: Mystic.
  • Level 125 items found in Summer Jubilee 2023 dungeon content have been updated to yield Renewal of Ro materials from transmutation.
  • Blustery Feet of Knowing - Armor appearance has been corrected to that of footwear.
  • Newly created illusionists once again have a sharp pokey thing to stick into those that annoy them. Or do they? Maybe it's all a figment of your imagination?
  • The Miracula Drive effect has been added to Miracula Weapons that have been fully upgraded.
  • Characters that are level 100 or above will no longer find Master Spell Scrolls below level 100 in the event dungeon Triad of Elements.
  • Corrected an issue where the Replica: Wanted Poster wanted to be a guild amenity, and would vanish from homes after being placed. It now wants to be where it is wanted, instead of where it wanted to want to be.


  • Scorched Sky
    • Fixed a bug that could prevent you from entering the scaled version of Doomfire: Ro's Sweatshop while mentored.


  • Familiar's Wild - Savannah stalkers in Sandstone Delta are now properly classified as cats for the quest.
  • Harness - Pearl Honeywine and Mareva D'Iniv will now reward adventurers for their accomplishments, even if they are above level 50.
  • Whispers from the Past - Decrepit Blood can now be found on forlorn undead in "Befallen: Halls of the Forsaken" on the Kael Drakkel server.


  • The crate of broken tools for "D.I.R.T.Y. Jobs - The Right Tools" will now stick around for both the shovel repair and the pickaxe repair, in case the player needs extra parts.


  • Buried Takish'Hiz: Empire of Antiquity [Contested]
    • Fixed a bug that could prevent Bulbrusk the Bulbous' adds from being seen after reviving.